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What is the difference between new style and old style side plates?The need for new style vs old style side plates came about when Tiburon began to manufacture their "topless" style frames. These frames have a recess and a raised lip on the side of the frame. Original Accurate frames as well as the Tiburon frames with a cross bar, have flat sides. Visual Example here.
Do you build your reel kits and side plate kits for customers?Yes we will assemble your Reel and Side Plate Kits for you. $50 for the build plus the cost of parts. Use the contact page for this service.
Do you have any Newell Plates in stock?Contact Bryan Young. His email is He is our sole distributor of Newell Side Plates.
Will your side plates fit the 113 H2 ( Non US )?Our 113H plates will not fit the that model reel.
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